Kijken naar kleur in de Kapberg

Je mag in de galerie overal gaan zitten. Er is per slot van rekening weer veel moois te zien en daar moet je de tijd voor nemen. Kleur vooral. Maar ga niet zitten in de stoel van Rob Sleutelberg. Daar moet je naar kijken! Hij ontwierp al stoelen in zijn studententijd en nu hij als…

Modern Art

If you want to learn how to paint photorealism, these next few pages will walk you step by step through the photorealist painting techniques that I use to create my photorealistic paintings, such as the ones on the right. This step-by-step guide may be an equally interesting read for non-artists who have a deep appreciation…

Experimental Art

If you want to learn how to paint photorealism, these next few pages will walk you step by step through the photorealist painting techniques that I use to create my photorealistic paintings, such as the ones on the right. This step-by-step guide may be an equally interesting read for non-artists who have a deep appreciation…

Art Installations

If you want to learn how to paint photorealism, these next few pages will walk you step by step through the photorealist painting techniques that I use to create my photorealistic paintings, such as the ones on the right. This step-by-step guide may be an equally interesting read for non-artists who have a deep appreciation…

Expressionist Paintings

If you want to learn how to paint photorealism, these next few pages will walk you step by step through the photorealist painting techniques that I use to create my photorealistic paintings, such as the ones on the right. This step-by-step guide may be an equally interesting read for non-artists who have a deep appreciation…

Best New Artists

If you want to learn how to paint photorealism, these next few pages will walk you step by step through the photorealist painting techniques that I use to create my photorealistic paintings, such as the ones on the right. This step-by-step guide may be an equally interesting read for non-artists who have a deep appreciation…


If you want to learn how to paint photorealism, these next few pages will walk you step by step through the photorealist painting techniques that I use to create my photorealistic paintings, such as the ones on the right. This step-by-step guide may be an equally interesting read for non-artists who have a deep appreciation…

Onbegrensde ruimte

Nuray Atas benadert de werkelijkheid steeds opnieuw, daarom is haar weergave daarvan altijd anders, verrassend. Kunst heeft voor haar met meerdere dimensies en oneindigheid te maken. Haar stijl is dan ook niet eenduidig, zij is altijd zoekend en experimenterend op zoek naar de onzichtbare realiteit achter de zichtbare dingen. Manipuleren en vervormen is de kernactiviteit.…